SC&ST Committee

India is a country of diversity. It is a hub of different religions, castes and cultures. However, the Indian society is characterized by a highly-entrenched system of social stratification. Social inequalities have led to denial of access to materials, cultural and educational resources to the disadvantaged groups of societies. Higher education is a tool for social and economic equality; therefore, the institute has constituted SC/ST Committeewhich would help in eliminating the social disparities. A Manual has been prepared by AICTE in order to guide the students to optimally utilize the benefits of the schemes offered by the Government of India.

As per AICTE guidelines, a committee is formed for prevention of atrocities against SC/ST students under the Act No. 33 of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. In case of any grievance in this regard, students can approach the committee for redressal. The committee will suggest measures to prevent atrocities, if any against any of the SC/ST students in the institute and to ensure the feeling of security amongst them as per the provisions in the said act.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. To counsel and guide SC/ ST students and help them to manage academic and personal issues if any.
  2. To inform the SC/ST students regarding various scholarships / program of State Govt. and UGC.
  3. Function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the college and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
  4. To ensure the Prevention of Atrocities on the SC, ST Staff, Faculty and Students.
  5. To hear and resolve the issues/complaints if any; of such nature of Atrocity reported/complained.

Frequency of Meeting: 

According to the regulations framed by AICTE, the Committee meets at least two times in a year and the decisions arrived at is mandatory to be implemented. The Committee functions under the Chairmanship of the Principal.

S.No Name of the Member Back Ground Position
1 Dr M. Sreedhar Reddy Principal of MREM Chairman
2 Mr B Ram Kishore Assistant Professor of Mech. Convener
3 Dr B Subba Ratnam Professor & Director Member
4 Mr G Ismayel Assistant Professor of EEE. Member
5 Mr E Babu Assistant Professor of CSE Member
6 Mr B Mahesh Administrative Officer Member