
Malla Reddy Engineering College and Management Sciences Library plays a vital role in meeting the present and anticipated future needs of its community by selecting, acquiring, disseminating appropriate scientific and technical information through different channels of communication.

The college’s Central library is housed in the academic block over a plinth area of early 620 sq.m and a total seating capacity of 130. The Central library is stocked with over 33,939 books and also subscribes to 60 National and 12 International Journals and 11 Magazines. The active sections of the Central library are computerized with 150 book issues and 150 active readers in the library per day.

Digital library is well equipped with systems to access E-Journals, Knimbus m-library. In addition, Multimedia E-Learning Center, NPTEL Facility (National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning) to access web & video lectures, and Institutional Membership of DELNET (Inter- library loan) for resource sharing are available in the library. British library membership and e-shodh sindhu.

The Central library collectively supports the teaching, research and extension programmes of the Institute. All students and faculty members of the Institute are entitled to make use of the library facilities by taking library membership.

The Central Library is equipped with NewGenLib Software Package which is an Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) with Barcode Scanner that supports all in-house operations of the library. The Central Library can be accessed through the On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) within the campus and outside of the campus as well.