Innovations in Teaching


Use of various instructional methods and pedagogical initiatives.

Department pedagogical initiatives for quality Teaching-learning process:

The Department is following the below mentioned pedagogical practices for ensuring quality in Teaching – Learning process.

  1. Interactive learning:The classroom teaching adopted in the department involves many methods such as chalk and talk mode, power point presentations and also video lectures are used to enrich the lectures.

1. Computer-assisted learning/ Self-Learning


  1. NPTEL (National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning) is the official SWAYAM national coordinator for engineering.
  2. This is a online platform which gives an opportunity to students and teachers to watch videos of academic stuff and learn the academic stuff through experts.
  3. Students have a good opportunity to get registered in this valuable programme and get certified by the organization which is very valuable to build their Knowledge.

2. Virtual Learning Platforms:

Department Utilizes online learning platforms, such as learning management or virtual classrooms, to provide a centralized location for course materials, discussions, and assignments. These platforms enable students to access resources anytime and facilitate communication and collaboration.

3. Project based learning.
1. This approach is made to give student Opportunity to improve knowledge and skills by engaging projects on the affected areas like challenges and problems.
2. The four important stages in which every student come across is Launching the project Analyzing developing and giving presentations.
3. A student is also habituated to design his timeline and schedule based on the important dates in which the project gets accomplished in different stages.

  1. Peer learning
    1. Peer learning is the concept of one student tutoring another student. This results in better learning and retention.
    2. Peer learning creates a environment where every student share his/her opinions and ideas which are welcomed in a respectful manner. This result in improving public speaking skills and creates a healthy environment where learning is very easy.

5. Flipped classrooms.
1. One of the most exciting teaching methodologies in the modern education
2. A flipped classroom flips conventional teaching methods where teacher teaches about the topic at college and assign works to do at homes.
3. In this method of approach student himself get the deeper knowledge from the online platforms and the students are allowed to have group discussion on particular topic and enhance their level of communication which helps them to attain a deeper knowledge on the topic which leads to a active learning experience.

6. Experiential Learning:  Hands-on Labs and Simulations:

Provide practical, hands-on experience through labs and simulations. Allow students to experiment with software, hardware, and IT systems to reinforce theoretical concepts and develop technical skills.

  1. Experiential Learning:   Case Studies:Present real-world scenarios and case studies that require students to analyze, design, and implement IT solutions. This approach enhances critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and decision-making skills.

  1. Expert Lectures: Guest Lectures by Industry Persons:Invite industry professionals to share their experiences, insights, and the latest trends in the IT field. Guest lecturers expose students to real-world challenges, industry practices, and potential career pathways.

  1. Self-Learning: Group Projects:Assign group projects that require students to collaborate on IT-related tasks, such as developing software applications, designing databases, or creating websites. Group projects foster teamwork, communication skills, and encourage students to learn from each other.