PEOs (Program Educational Objectives): The MBA postgraduates of MREM Management Department, Hyderabad are expected to achieve the following Program Educational Objectives within five years of completion of the program.

PEO I To Demonstrate the excellence in management education and enable growth of the students as Management Professionals.
PEO II To develop and apply interactive abilities for achieving Organizational Goals and motivating multidimensional groups to attain them.
PEO III To Formulate and implement Multiple Business Dimensions Policies, Values and Decisions as a true global professional for the society with great ethics.
PEO IV To Possess and encourage an aptitude for research, innovations and life long learning.


Program Outcomes (POs) : The Program Outcomes are derived from the Program Educational Objectives of MBA program and the Mission of the institution. The Program Outcomes are categorized on seven key competency/skills for a postgraduate of the management program should possess and demonstrate at the end of the two-year MBA
program at MREM of MBA Department.


PO I Management Knowledge:
Apply Managerial Knowledge in unaccustomed situations through conceptual understanding and business intelligence.
PO II Problem Solving:
Reconcile Innovative techniques for problem solving to manage contingent
PO III Developed Leadership Qualities and Team work:
Ability to apply management principles with emotional intelligence,
perseverance and leadership qualities.
PO IV Enhanced Communication:
Develop Effective Communication for competitive advantage.
PO V Moral Values and Ethics:
Being ethical is imperative, demonstrate ethical conduct through individualistic values in discharging social responsibilities of society.
PO VI Entrepreneurial Competency:
Ability to generate creative and innovative ideas for new venture creation and entrepreneurship.
PO VII Life Long Learning:
Accomplish great levels of proficiency and self-realization through life-long